Simulation of Energy Exchange between Single Prosumer Residential Building and Utility Grid
Andres Annuk, Wahiba Yaïci, Matti Lehtonen, Risto Ilves, Toivo Kabanen and Peep Miidla
Risk Assessment of the Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage in Salt Caverns
Maria Portarapillo and Almerinda Di Benedetto
Effect of Thermo-Atmosphere on Combustion Evolutions of Turbulent Jet Ignition under Engine Conditions
Jiaying Pan, Yu He, Tao Li, Haiqiao Wei, Lei Wang and Gequn Shu
Analysis of Diesel Knock for High-Altitude Heavy-Duty Engines Using Optical Rapid Compression Machines
Xiangting Wang, Haiqiao Wei, Jiaying Pan, Zhen Hu, Xuan Wang and Mingzhang Pan
Impacts of Low-Carbon Fuel Standards in Transportation on the Electricity Market
Ahmad Karnama, João Abel Peças Lopes and Mauro Augusto da Rosa
Heat Integration of an Industrial Unit for the Ethylbenzene Production
Leonid M Ulyev, Maksim V Kanischev, Roman E Chibisov and Mikhail A Vasilyev
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of Using Methane Fuels to Supply Internal Combustion Engines
Krzysztof Biernat, Izabela Samson-Bręk, Zdzisław Chłopek, Marlena Owczuk and Anna Matuszewska
Gas Transition: Renewable Hydrogen’s Future in Eastern Australia’s Energy Networks
Nicholas Gurieff, Behdad Moghtaderi, Rahman Daiyan and Rose Amal
Definition and Exploration of the Integrated CO2 Mineralization Technological Cycle
Florent Bourgeois, Priscillia Laniesse, Martin Cyr and Carine Julcour
Molecular Profiling and Optimization Studies for PHB Production in Rhodobacter sphaeroides
Yu Rim Lee and Sangmin Lee
Lithium-Ion Battery Real-Time Diagnosis with Direct Current Impedance Spectroscopy
Yun Bao and Yuansheng Chen
Computational Analysis of a Lifted Hydrogen Flame
Ali Cemal Benim and Björn Pfeiffelmann
A New Method of Regulation of Loads Acting on the Shaft Lining in Sections Located in the Salt Rock Mass
Paweł Kamiński
The Analysis of Japan’s Energy and Climate Policy from the Aspect of Anticipatory Governance
Hiroshi Ohta
Finite Control Set—Model Predictive Control with Non-Spread Spectrum and Reduced Switching Frequency Applied to Multi-Cell Rectifiers †
Eduardo Espinosa, José Espinoza, Pedro Melín, Jaime Rohten, Carlos Baier and Marcelo Reyes
Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing Simulation of a Cassegrain Solar Concentrator Module for CPV
Seung Jin Oh, Hyungchan Kim and Youngsun Hong
The Use of the Digital Prototyping Method to Analyze Selected Operating States of the Line Start Synchronous Reluctance Motor
Paweł Idziak and Krzysztof Kowalski
Influence and Impact of Data Averaging and Temporal Resolution on the Assessment of Energetic, Economic and Technical Issues of Hybrid Photovoltaic-Battery Systems
Alessandro Burgio, Daniele Menniti, Nicola Sorrentino, Anna Pinnarelli and Zbigniew Leonowicz
Output Temperature Predictions of the Geothermal Heat Pump System Using an Improved Grey Prediction Model
Khaled Salhein, Javed Ashraf and Mohamed Zohdy
Film-Forming Kinetics in Organic Solar Cells
Qiuju Liang and Jiangang Liu
Sampling Rate Impact on Electrical Power Measurements based on Conservative Power Theory
Larissa R Souza, Ruben B Godoy, Moacyr AG de Brito, Luigi G Junior and Tiago HA Mateus
Research and Solutions to Minimize Frontal Area Overheating of Hydro Generator Stator with Vertical Axis
Victorita Radulescu
Industrial Progress of Electric Vehicles: A Case Study in Hong Kong
Tiande Mo, Kin-tak Lau, Yu Li, Chi-kin Poon, Yinghong Wu, Paul K Chu and Yang Luo
Decentral Hydrogen
Paul Grunow
Peukert Generalized Equations Applicability with Due Consideration of Internal Resistance of Automotive-Grade Lithium-Ion Batteries for Their Capacity Evaluation
Nataliya N Yazvinskaya, Mikhail S Lipkin, Nikolay E Galushkin and Dmitriy N Galushkin
The Impact of Thermo-Modernization and Predictive Regulation on Heat Energy Consumption and Emission of Pollutants into the Atmosphere – The Case of Prefabricated Buildings
Joanna Piotrowska-Woroniak, Krzysztof Cieśliński, Grzegorz Woroniak and Jonas Bielskus
Water Transport and Removal in PEMFC Gas Flow Channel with Various Water Droplet Locations and Channel Surface Wettability
Yanzhou Qin, Xuefeng Wang, Rouxian Chen and Xiang Shangguan
The Impact of Agriculture on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Visegrad Group Countries after the World Economic Crisis of 2008. Comparative Study of the Researched Countries
Andrzej Czyżewski and Mariola Michałowska
A Comparative Analysis of the ARIMA and LSTM Predictive Models and Their Effectiveness for Predicting Wind Speed
Meftah Elsaraiti and Adel Merabet