Designing and Testing a 3D Calibration Test-Field for Digital Cameras Mounted on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
Valeria-Ersilia Oniga and Ana-Ioana Breaban
Wavelet Scattering Network-Based Machine Learning for Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging: Application in Pipeline Identification
Yang Jin and Yunling Duan
Estimating Geometrical Characteristics of Experimental Fire with UAV Multimodal Stereovision
Vito Ciullo, Lucile Rossi and Antoine Pieri
Finite Difference Analysis and Bivariate Correlation of Hyperspectral Data for Detecting Laurel Wilt Disease and Nutritional Deficiency in Avocado
Jeanette Hariharan, John Fuller, Yiannis Ampatzidis, Jaafar Abdulridha and Andrew Lerwill
Estimation of Parameters of Biomass State of Sowing Spring Wheat
Ilya Mikhayilovich Mikhailenko
3D LoD2 and LoD3 Modelling of Rotating Surface Building of Ornamental Towers starting from LiDAR Data
Elżbieta Lewandowicz, Fayez Tarsha Kurdi and Zahra Gharineiat
Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Total Electron Content for Bidirectional and Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks in European Region
Artem Kharakhashyan and Olga Maltseva