Prime Archives in Agronomy


The book Prime Archives in Agronomy is a compilation of cross-disciplinary research advances relating to agronomy and agroecology. The book aims to cover diverse topics such as agriculture and instrumentation, natural resources, soil science, crop science, and agronomic modeling.


ISBN: 978-81-945175-3-5

Editor: Isaac Danso


Irrigation Water Quality and Soil Structural Stability A Perspective with Some New Insights
Pichu Rengasamy

Effect of Seaweed Aqueous Extracts and Compost on Vegetative Growth, Yield, and Nutraceutical Quality of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Fruit
Radames Trejo Valencia, Ludy Sánchez Acosta, Manuel Fortis Hernández, Pablo Preciado Rangel, Miguel Ángel Gallegos Robles, Rocío del Carmen Antonio Cruz and Cirilo Vázquez Vázquez

Resistance to Triazole Fungicides in Pyricularia Species is Associated with Invasive Plants from Wheat Fields in Brazil
Adriano Francis Dorigan, Giselle de Carvalho, Nadia Maria Poloni, Matheus Mereb Negrisoli, João Leodato Nunes Maciel and Paulo Cezar Ceresini

ANNs for the Daily Prediction of Horizontal Global Solar Irradiation in an Agrometeorological Station with Mediterranean Warm Summer Climate
Francisco J Diez, Luis M Navas-Gracia, Leticia Chico-Santamarta, Adriana Correa-Guimaraes and Andrés Martínez-Rodríguez

Potential Fertilization Capacity of Two Grapevine Varieties: Effects on Agricultural Production in Designation of Origin Areas in the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula
J Antonio Cortiñas, María Fernández-González, Estefanía González-Fernández, Rosa A Vázquez-Ruiz, F Javier Rodríguez-Rajo and María Jesús Aira

Aphid Behavior on Amaranthus hybridus L. (Amaranthaceae) Associated with Ocimum spp. (Lamiaceae) as Repellent Plants
Boni Barthélémy Yarou, Aimé H Bokonon-Ganta, François J Verheggen, Georges C Lognay and Frédéric Francis

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